April 18 th, set the date: two in a row!
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Want to see the face of the defeat? Weather forecasts for the next 7 days up to 70kmh convinced me to run.
Sorry guys pic.twitter.com/Bg8tAOKmh7
Now in Kathmandu to rest since a big storm is striking abcamp... pic.twitter.com/XnjOCV36rq
The Hero a few days ago... pic.twitter.com/2UxAuEvzD0
Advanced base camp, Makalu 5700mt pic.twitter.com/YdF5z4TYjA
In your opinion...a black crow on top the puja pole (sort of blessing), could ever be a good sign? pic.twitter.com/JPy3USuBRO
e anche debole visto il mal di stomaco
vento forte stanotte e in gran parte della mattina. ancora scomparsi gli sherpa e niente previsioni da parte loro, solo da shoukuf�; un p...
<2/2> mpo1 basso e si entra in una tenda cinese vuota per la nott@
mpo1 basso e si entra in una tenda cinese vuota per la notte
partiti alle 11 da base camp primo tratto di roccia poi al crampon point infilati ramponi ed iniziato tratto ripido molto moscio alle 153...
giornata di riposo che ho una bassa saturazione ho approfittato del sole per una doccetta lo spirito é alto vediamo
the most difficult trekking day ever.dangers cold slippery shoesand 9 hours But now i m in BASE CAMP ADVANCED
dieta da atleta olio parmigiano riso affettati e sugo tutto dall italia qui prendo riso e patate bollite diventerö acciughino!
4800 e spiccioli, finto campo base peloso senza neve e con baracche domani abcamp a 5100 e poi vediamo freschino e nevica
thanks to all of you guys broggi david alessio fabrizio paolo shoukufé gaspare babbino luisa etc need your support!
alessio shoukufé paolo babbino etc need your support! now celebration with beer and later rice w olive oil and parmesan cheese!
ciao! today it s snowing again after a few hours of sun. now i m in langle karka 4100, tomorrow base camp! thanks to the many that are wr...
what a day! now i m in yangle after 11 hours of hard and dangerous trekking! snowstorm at the peak. i m done!
kongma! 35000mt after 6 hours of going up. bucket shower and now fonzies and beer in front of the stove since is cold
tashigoan! or smthg similar! after 10 hours of hard trekking! this summer i ll have a perfect booty!
...but good luck rituals are here to stay! pepperoni pizza and coke, with curious waiter in the background! pic.twitter.com/uX3Ax58uiK
...also the food habits are changing... pic.twitter.com/e5nXOW6KqK
The monks are no more what they used to be... pic.twitter.com/Q2QmjjDdTy
Kathmandu! This is my 7th time I land here...it s not that hot and humid, thanks God! Let’s go looking for the luggage! pic.twitter.com/MX9ZohHRph
Hi folks, leaving from Pisa airport now...see u in kathmandu!